
Please STOP The WAR IN : Ukraine, Tigray Penninsula, Sudan ... PLEASE Let Vietnam,Hong Kong,Muslim Uighurs Be!
Qoute Of the Week : "The Right To SelfDetermination and Religious Beliefs Are Intrinsic to Human Resource Capacitation."

Gaia-Mother Earth

A Poem Written By : Haji Alusine Nyanda Kawah aka Hankx.
Dedicated to All Environmentalists And Marginalized Persons.
M other of everything that liveth - producer of fresh air that invigorates my weary soulz
O ceans level rising
T reasures upon treasures are found - within the depths of Gaia!(Mother Earth)
H eaven ? I have not yet seen,
therefore for the time being Gaia is my humble abode I am Proud of my Earthly home
E arth's temprature rising - nearing that "fateful treshold"
environmental Sustainability, "environmental Sustainability- the recurring refrain of us :Millinials
R eserves of Mother Earth
that mankind has unwittingly exploited for eons and Millinia !

E verywhere I hear the Cries of Victims of Natural Disasters
A venging Hurricane, Chaotic El-Ninos,Famine ,Thawing Polar Ice-Caps
R eceding lakes,streams and watering holes !
T empest raging Incessantly ,all CONSEQUENCES of
H umankinds Unwise Consumerism!

Remeber dear global brethren, that ;
"We are from the Earth,
We are of Mother Earth- therefore a Balance must be met An Ultimate Equillibrium, A "Blue and Circular Economy"
For 'health' and 'Wellbeing' of Mother Earth is Premium!
Hankx Poems (All Rights Reserved) 2022